My motto: “I am in the business to educate and inspire people to fulfill their potential, through service excellence.
My aim: is to create the essence of emotional attachments to the Dr Baumann family, through service, brand experience and products to promote the wellbeing of those we interact with.
With my knowledge and extensive experience in retail I continually strive for improvement and excellence. Now in association with the Dr Baumann brand I am able to share my knowledge with you, by providing insight on and delivering solutions according to your needs enabling you our customer to meet your client’s needs. I will be there to give you hands on support to help you grow your business.
At Dr Baumann South Africa and as part of the global family, we create and represent distinctions between ourselves and other brands are committed to your success and above all our passion for people and the environment will help to shape a lasting legacy to share with others.
Our promise: is to stay true to our prime concern - you, our clients and end users, to provide the best personal service, excellence through a warm and relaxed environment with consideration for others, animals and Mother Nature herself. Meaning that all we do is measured by tolerance, effectiveness, harmony with the skin and respect for our environment and all living creatures. (Bionome Codex)
I wish to instill a living experience that will engage the senses, enliven the experience of living in this amazing world, create and maintain wellbeing and meet the needs of all our clients.
I look forward to meeting with you all in 2011, till then many happy Bionome greetings...
Michelle Walter, Marketing and Sales Manager Dr Baumann South Africa.
Here I am with Dr.Thomas Baumann, at the DR BAUMANN manufacturing plant in Siegen Germany-