Ürünlerimizin en iyi şekilde
kullanılması için deneyimli güzellik uzmanlarından ipuçları
Uzman Skinolojistlerin önerileri aşağıda yer
Aşırı derecede sert ve çatlamış dudaklar için Ampulle
Vitamin E (E Vitamini Ampulü) % 100 en iyi çözümdür, yeni ambalajıyla yolda
kullanım için de idealdir. Dudak boyasının üzerine uygulanan Ampul, dudak
parlatıcısı gibi görünür.
İltihaplı aknelerde gece bakımı olarak Liposome
Manuka, Tea Tree, Lavender (Lipozom Manuka, Çay Çiçeği, Lavanta)
kullanın. Başlangıçta haftada bir kez temizleyin, sonrasında her zaman daha
fazla aralıklarda uygulayın.
Müşterinin kendi kendine yapacağı bakımı engellemek
için sivilceleri başlangıçta günlük olarak tedavi edebilirsiniz. Tekli
sivilceler ve kabarcıklar için bakımdan sonra sadece ilgili yerlere Pimple
Creme (Sivilce Kremi) ya da Cream Maske für fettige Haut oder Tea Tree (Yağlı
ciltler için Krem Maske ya da Çay Çiçeği özlü Krem Maske) ürünlerini uygulayın.
Günlük bakım için uygulayacağınız SkinIdent Liposome Super ile perioral
dermatitin neden olduğu küçük sivilceler ya da cilt döküntüleri hızlı bir
şekilde iyileşir, üstelik bu cilt döküntüleri için özel ürünler kullanmanıza
gerek kalmaz.
Perioral dermatit ya da kızarmış burun köşeleri
için özel bakım olarak Liposome Manuka, Tea Tree karışımıyla ilgili cilt
bölgelerinde çok iyi bir iyileştirme sağlarsınız.
Atopik dermatitlerde, özellikle çocuklarda Ampulle
Nachtkerzenöl (çuha çiçeği yağına sahip Ampul) içten yardımcı olur, hafif
vakalarda günde bir kez 3 damla damlatmak yeterli olabilir, hatta bazen 2 ila 5
damla da yeterlidir, dudakların yırtılmış köşelerine de yardımcı olur.
Yanak bölgesinde hafif kızarmış ve çatlamış cilde
sahip küçük çocuklar için Babycreme (Bebek Kremi) idealdir. Bu kremlerin
yetersiz olması halinde sadece Tonic Spezial (Özel Tonik) kullanmak yardımcı
olabilir, ya da daha kötü durumlarda Liposome Ceramid kullanılabilir. Ayrıca
Beau Caire Babypflege (Beau Caire bebek bakımı) ürünü de genellikle bu cilt
tipi için yeterlidir.
Bebek bakımı için özel bir bakım olarak Babycreme (bebek
kremi) ürünü yüz ve popo için tamamıyla yeterlidir. Bebek bakımı ile popo da mükemmel
hale gelecek ve yeniden iyileşmiş olacaktır. Vücut bakımı için Intensiv Lotion (Yoğun
Losyon) idealdir. Bebek bezinin bağlandığı alan en iyi su ile temizlenir ve
yollar için Gesichtswasser Spezial (Özel Yüz Toniği) ya da Intensiv Lotion (Yoğun
Losyon) kendini kanıtlamıştır. Ayrıca emzirilen çocuklar için en iyi ilaç,
banyo suyunda da, popoda da olsa, burun damlası, vs. olarak da kullanılsa anne
Cildi mümkün olduğu kadar düzeltmek için cildi
yanan bir müşteride Ampulle Nachtkerzenöl (çuha çiçeği yağına sahip ampul)
kullanmak idealdir, diğer ürünler de kullanılabilir.
Hamilelikte oluşan ciltteki çatlakları peeling ile
tedavi etmek, her bir tedaviden sonra belirgin bir iyileşme sağlar.
Çok sayıda komedonlara sahip oldukça nasırlı bir
cilt için müşteriler kür olarak peeling işlemini uyguladıklarında en az altı ay
içerisinde daha az komedonlara sahip olur.
Kuru cilde sahip bir müşteri, lipozom bakımının
ardından Cream Maske für trockene Haut (kuru ciltler için Krem Maske) +
Liposomen Maske (Lipozom Maskesi) ürünlerinden oluşan bir maske uygulayarak
cildin mükemmel “güzelleşme” etkisine ulaşır.
Bikini bölgesini ya da bacakları tıraş etmek,
genellikle iltihaplara yol açar. Tıraştan sonra bacaklara Liposome Manuka, Tea
Tree, Lavender ve After AHA-Peeling Ampulle ile bakım yaparak bunu
(Aşırı derecedeki gözyaşları ile oluşan) göz
çevresindeki egzemaya diğer çeşitliliklere rağmen sadece aşağıdaki kombinasyon
yardımcı olur: SkinIdent Liposome Super (SkinIdent Süper Lipozom) + Vitamin E,
A Lipid-Ampulle (E, A Vitaminleri, Lipid içeren Ampul) + Augengel (Göz Jeli) +
Baby Creme (Bebek Kremi).
Ürünlerimizin en iyi şekilde
kullanılması için deneyimli güzellik uzmanlarından ipuçları
Skinolojistlerin önerileri önerileri aşağıda yer
Kirli bir cilde peeling işleminden sonra termal
yosun maskesi (cilt tipine göre hafif ya da güçlü) uygulayın ve cilde buhar
verin. Sonrasında cildi temizleyin.
Sabit komedonlar (siyah noktalar) için buhar
verme işlemi sırasında Cream Maske für trockene Haut (kuru ciltler için Krem
Maske) uygulayın. Böylece komedonlar daha iyi bir şekilde uzaklaştırılabilir.
As with anything in life, success is partly determined by the investment you put into preparing for it. And a huge part of preparation lies in knowledge:
THE TRAP One of my favourite quotes is from Albert Einstein who said something along the lines of, "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting different results." Even the best business minds can sometimes fall prey to this inevitable pattern. The question is are you sharp enough to be open to the possibility of a different approach?
PUT YOURSELF ABOVE THE COMPETITION It's commonly known that there is an overall frustration amongst salon/spa owners because of the high competition for customers, and customer retention. Generally there is a bombardment of sales techniques from the salons/spas to customers, each one promising the best or to be unique, when actually everyone's offering much of the same. It's tiresome to the consumer. In the Skin Care Millionaire Seminar you will learn about how to leave the battle-zone behind and start to implement your true point of difference. Cultivate simple effective methods which will yield the results you hope for, and more.
We look forward to meeting those who are prepared to commit to becoming the new industry leaders.
Looking back over the christmas period, I wonder how many of us realize the powerful and priceless gifts we were and are given. Many call it the silly season yet enriched with many gifts, I am talking here of the gifts of family, friends, gratitude, Love, belonging, learning - real learning and yes money.
These are the gifts we should be giving and sharing all year round. Be it with family, friends, and especially with colleagues, suppliers and clients, most importantly clients.
We all wish to have a successful and prosperous 2011, so here is the kicker if you wish to do really well, you need to keep the gift of real and true learning alive. So we are able to share, that is why reading books and business or trade magazines such a succeed or success, attending workshops and seminars are so vital, so that sharing this new found knowledge can ultimately create service excellence to and for our clients. Ensuring that they feel part of the family and that they belong. I will be chatting more about this topic in my up coming blogs.
The questions that you will need to ask before then is: Where do you stand on learning?, Where are you now and where do you want to be? So which seminars do I attend (skinology, Millionaire I) which books or magazines do I read?
By Michelle Walter - Marketing and sales manager DR BAUMANN SOUTH AFRICA - sitting at breakfast this morning staring out the window watching the soft flutter of snow falling to the ground in a dance to create something new from the existing. consider a single snowflake, to the naked eye it is just a small insignificant drop of frozen water, yet together they form a magnificent winter wonderland. Take a closer look at just one snowflake, each in its own right is unique with a specific design or make up creating pure perfection.
what is perfection, it is flawless, with a radiant natural glow, even texture, rich color, balance, agility and strength. does this sound like what you would like for your skin? if so, this perfection is what your body desires for you. we live in an unstable, unbalanced world, society full of compromise. why do we compromise with our skins? when we do not have to or to add unnatural toxic elements that create unbalance or unnatural results. there is perfection, natural perfection waiting for you, all you need to do is reach out and apply it each day creating the body’s perfection. this is SKINIDENT. cosmetics to replace lost or damaged skin without the surgery, just nature in its perfection to recreate beauty in the comfort of your home. and the beauty of it is it is BIONOME. SKINIDENT is perfection, beauty and perfection, in other words the worlds perfection in a jar available in an instant. reach out now and create your true authentic perfection of You!
as coco chanel once said we think we are replaceable, yet no-one can follow in your shoes so become irreplaceable and leave a legacy of your perfection. regardless of our differences as people we all tend to define perfection in words of beauty -beauty is perfection.
Promise - The Millionaire seminar-1000 new customers in 1 year is a 2 day business seminar that promises you a proven to workwinning strategy, a business plan and a new overall business view of investment principles that can lead every Beauty salon/SPA to achieve 1 million dollar in profits within 5-7 years.
Attending this seminar is your entrance ticket to wealth.
Most beauty salons (SPA) suffer from a lack of NEW customer traffic as well as from a relatively low sales turnover with their existing customers. This fact results in: a low income and a struggling business!!
The Millionaire seminar-1000 new customers in 1 year demonstrates a proven to work winning strategy that describes a real situation in which, a small beauty salon/SPA gained over 1000 new customers in just1 year while achieving over 500% business growth in this period of time. This fast growth was achieved due to the usage of a “tailor made strategy” supported by various “marketing instruments” that are well presented and explained in great detail during this seminar.
Most of beauty salon/SPA turnovers are about 80% in treatments/services compared to just 20% in retail. The same situationwas the basis of the beauty salon that serves as the case study for this seminar. During the first year, the treatment*services became 20% of the sales compared to the retail that became 80% of the turnover. You might think that the treatment/services sales shrank, well, not at all, just the opposite, it grew, but at the same time the retail grew by 400%!!!
20% of most of beauty salon/SPA customers are doing about 80% of the turnover. This is a universal “law” of customer segmentation. Understanding this business “law” must make it clear that in order to achieve 500% growth: you need to gain 5 times as many customers as you have today as fast as possible. This seminar will teach you how to build the “perfect customer machine” because in the end, the real definition of a business is to continue to “produce new customers” andnot just products.
Theory and practice – many seminars present various ideas and suggest action plans, still, when it comes to the implementation phase, most seminar participants do not have sufficient knowledge, time ormoney to implement the given material. The Millionaire seminar- 1000 new customers in 1 year frees you from producing any marketing toolsthat you must have in order to implement any theoretical knowledge. By attending this seminar you receive the full ready made and ready to use marketing tools to go ahead and immediately implement the theoretical material in order to activate an immediate practical winning strategy
Practical Marketing Tools (Free of charge for the Millionaire seminar participants) - The Millionaire seminar participants benefit from:
52 layout designs of ready to use adverts.
52 different posters designed to support the different monthly promotional activities.
52 different vouchers: that can significantly increase new customer traffic.
52 monthly newsletters: that you can use immediately in order to communicate with your clients..
12 monthly PR articles: that you can use immediately for your local media.
52 weekly articles: that will guide you step by step in applying awinning strategy.
The CD: that includes the power point seminar presentation.
Choosing a winning strategy can be an exhausting process that requires a precise understanding regarding how consumers think andchoose their products and their Brands as well as what motivates consumers to change their behaviour and results in turning them intoyour loyal customers.
Choosing the winning strategy is actually the end of a long process ofcollecting information about the specific market and business environment, analysing this information, and creating the winning strategy. This seminar takes you step by step and supports you along the way from designing a profitable business plan that suits every beauty salon/SPA to choosing the winning strategy that includesmeaningful benefits to the society where the beauty salon/SPA is located.
Choosing the winning strategy is always based on a strong, clear and meaningful differentiation from your competition. The entire process: for creating a meaningful differentiation is described in great detail during this seminar. Finally by attending this seminar you will be able topresent new customers with a beneficial and attractive alternative.
People will begin to choose you and your salon- There is a system thatconsumers apply prior to choosing their supplier. Learning and understanding this method is the key to becoming the consumer’s choice.
Understanding your total role, your business role and your supplier’s role is the first step in re-defining your business in order for it to match your customer’s expectations and to achieve the breakthrough that you dream about. This part belongs to IMS marketing but the topic is re discussed and analysed in depth during this unique seminar. “Your role” might sound foreign at this point, but, after this seminar you will view your business and your life in general from a new perspective.Guaranteed!!!
Prioritizing the various activities that lead to 1000 new customers is thefirst step in designing an effective action plan that will allow you tobuild asolid on going “customers machine” that will continue toproduce more and more and more new customers.
Customer loyalty through customer satisfaction is the basis for long term investment that will return profits far more thanany alternative investment that you have or may come across in the future.
Understanding the client’s tangible and intangible needs and what exactly motivates them is a high priority in order to develop the strategy that will eventually influence client behaviour to ensure thekind of behaviour that will make them your loyal to you.
Meanings and Conclusions- Realizing and understanding the above facts starts to explain the situationthat causes beauty salons/SPA to struggle instead of being as a profitable business,
The lack of professional business skills results in loosing market share, customer share and profits. Don’t give your profits to the competition.
Cosmetic salons/SPA owners lack the budget as well as the professional knowledge necessary to employ the winning strategy.
Choosing a winning strategy without having the correct marketing tools to communicate the chosen strategy is useless and therefore cannot deliver the expected results.
Benefits The Millionaire seminar-1000 new customers in 1 year already developed a proven to work wining strategy that will definitely boost your sales beyond your wildest expectations.
Receiving the entire marketing tools that were designed and used in our winning strategy means that you can save precious time as well as personally investing in a huge development budget for your beauty salon.
Understanding and implementing the modern triggers that motivate customers to choose you as their supplier will immediately sharpen your mindand turn your business into an attractive alternative compared to any other competitor that plays in your market.
Revealing the “success code” and common behaviour pattern that all millionaires share will not only give you a deep insight into this most exitingtheme and lifestyle, but, at the same time, you will discover the action planthat you can use to obtain more and more income through income channelsthat you did notuse until now..
All of that and much more will be presented in The Millionaire seminar-1000 new customers in 1 year for SPA and Beauty salons. A “tailored made 2 daybusiness seminar” that exposes you to the “winning strategy” that was put to work in a real case study of a small beauty salon that went from 10 customers to over 1000 new customers in just 1 year, and is on its way to generating 1 million dollars in just 5 years.
We strongly recommend you to register for this seminar now and start maximizing your business and investment opportunities as millionaires do.
You can have a pretty clear idea about the seminar benefits once that you read the testimonials that the seminar participators write about this seminar.